July 28, 2010

The Mad Hatter

So as I was reading my daily blogs over coffee this morning, I noticed a lot of bloggers wearing adorable hats and I completely forgot this lovely hat I wore one day while I was in Colorado! Normally I am not a hat person at all but when Sonja's mom asked if I wanted to wear one to the zoo how could I refuse? Needless to say I loved it and think I need to invest in one myself. So kudos to Sonja's mom and her lovely hat sense. :)

I also feel bad for my remark in my last post about how Colorado has little to no fashion sense...so I think I am going to think of some outfits I think would be perfect for a lovely day in the mountains...more on that soon!

As for my pick of the day, obviously I am going with a hat theme so here we go:


This is a lovely hat on sale for $29.99 at Ruche.com. Perfect for a lovely afternoon at the zoo or just about anywhere. :)

Photo found at shopruche.com :)

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