July 11, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Yea I got this from Google. The beautiful Colorado backdrop...yea I think I just might like it. :)

Hello all. I am sitting here, drinking coffee and reading blogs, which has become my favorite thing to do. I love Sundays for a number of reasons, it is a day to catch up on the events of the week and I usually don't work. So Sundays I usually go out for a ride at the barn or just nap all day. Today however I have a whole list of things I need to accomplish. The reason being I will be going to visit my best friend from school in Colorado! I am very excited needless to say. The farthest west I have been is Ohio, so I am excited to get me some west coast loving. I am so excited to see the differences between Colorado and New York. I am a true New Yorker at heart, I get annoyed by people who walk to slow, drive to slow, talk to slow, ect. So it will be interesting. But what I am most excited about is showing you guys some Colorado fashion, if there is any...I am confident there will be though. So next week I am going to devote my blog to the west coast vibe, and am hopefully going to get my bff to do a guest post for you all. (Assuming someone is reading this, not confident in that fact yet). As promised though I will be showing you some awesome steals I found to compete with the vintage, classy style of Anthropologie...later. I am going to finish half my list then post again. So until then have a happy Sunday morning!


Tell me what you think.